Support us

Thames Concerts is a charity and relies on support from people like you.  We receive no support from local government.  The generosity of our patrons, local businesses and donors means we can:

Continue to promote and present outstanding performances in South West London;

Support young local talent from the community’s schools and colleges;

Support and invest in up-and-coming musical talent;

Provide a forum for concert-goers and musicians interested in our activities.


Becoming a Patron costs just £150 per year per person (£200 a year for joint membership at a single address). Those who wish to make a larger donation are very welcome. As a Patron you will benefit from:

  • A complimentary season ticket for each series
  • Thames Concerts’ E-Newsletters
  • Advance notice of concert dates and performers
  • Invitation to any annual series launch
  • Opportunity to attend rehearsals, workshops, and other events (free of charge)
  • Opportunity to have reserved seating at concerts
  • Your name listed in programmes (unless anonymity preferred)


Thames Concerts is proud to be forging strong links with the business community in Surbiton and the wider Borough, and can offer generous, tailored sponsorship packages to businesses that wish to build a reputation as a good corporate citizen by supporting the series.

Please get in touch for more information: moc.strecnocsemahtnull@ofni